September 2022

JSON files analysis through API calls and MariaDB storage in Ryax

In this use-case, we’ll explore two inescapable concepts when it comes to developing production-grade backend systems: API endpoints and database storage. We’ll walk you through each step of the way. Introduction There’s a saying amongst developers that all applications are purely frontends to a database, thus highlighting the importance of 2 things: storage of course,

JSON files analysis through API calls and MariaDB storage in Ryax Read More »

Ryax open source has launched!

Today is a big day for us… Today we launch our #lowcode #opensource backend platform! We’ve spent months building this new solution for developers to: Build their backends in record time Deploy at scale with serverless technology Self-host, install on any cloud or use our hosted platform (coming soon) All this in a low code, open

Ryax open source has launched! Read More »