Les experts Ryax vous accompagnent dans vos projets data, cloud native & infrastructures

  • cloud-native

    Services Cloud Native

    Transformez vos activités IT grâce à la méthodologie DevOps et aux architectures/infrastructures Cloud Native. Formez vos équipes, développez, migrez et livrez automatiquement des apps Cloud Native ultra-performantes.

  • ia-mlcolor

    Services IA / ML

    Tirez des décisions à très haute valeur ajoutée grâce au traitement algorithmique dynamique de vos données. Ryax vous accompagne dans le développement de vos architectures data & solutions DataOps tout en les déployant à l'échelle industrielle.

  • k8scolor

    Services Kubernetes

    Valorisez vos données en orchestrant efficacement vos ressources de calcul grâce à Kubernetes. Formez-vous ou confiez-nous la mise en place et le déploiement en production de systèmes de calcul distribués et haute-disponibilité.

Notre expertise en chiffres

  • 7


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    experts à votre service

  • 43

    technologies maîtrisées

  • 56

    projets menés avec succès

Nos clients

  • sanofi

    Développement IA/ML & DataOps

  • orange

    Infrastructures de calcul distribuées

  • ATOS2

    Plateforme de DataOps

  • keolis

    Architecture Edge-to-Cloud

  • dataco

    Migration vers le Cloud

  • clauger

    Conteneurisation automatique

Nos technologies & partenaires

  • certif-kube

  • orange-cloudstarter

  • microsoft-startup

Nos publications

Llama2 available for inference

Open source LLM Llama 2 available for inference Llama2 inference in a few clicks Thanks to new LLM Llama2 availability for inference into Ryax platform, deploy and use Llama 2 without any code, in a few clicks ! The LLM is deployed on a serverless architecture – that can be on premise or on any […]

Fine-tune LLM Falcon 7B on your data

Fine-tune open source LLM on your data Having your custom and private LLM can be a key asset in the competition. Trained on your data, with your specific inputs, your LLM is more accurate than ever !  Ryax helps you at each step of your LLM journey fine-tuning of any open source LLM (here w’re using […]

Ryax 23.06 aka “HPC release” is out

RYAX 23.06 aka “HPC release” is out ! We’re happy to share the latest version of Ryax, with new amazing features, all dedicated to HPC – High Performance Computing ! As always, we’re community-driven, and these features were asked by the community and the customers. New features as HPC offloading using Singularity with multi user […]

“No shadow chatGPT” – Build your centralized & monitored chatGPT service

No Shadow chatGPT – Build your centralized & monitored chatGPT service Needless to say, chatGPT and generative AI are revolutionizing the world with new uses, increasing productivity in so many ways! This usage is largely adopted even in enterprise, each person using its own access to chatGPT, with the risks we’ve seen in the last […]

Research paper: Towards a Multi-objective Scheduling Policy for Serverless-based Edge-Cloud Continuum

Research paper: Towards a Multi-objective Scheduling Policy for Serverless-based Edge-Cloud Continuum Luc Angelelli, Anderson Andrei Da Silva, Michael Mercier, Grégory Mounié, Denis Trystram, Yiannis Georgiou In collaboration with UGA (Université Grenoble Alpes), MIAI (Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence), and in the context of PHYSICS H2020 EU project, the research related to this article, allows us […]

An Image Generative tool for your backend

StableDiffusion Image generator in your backend AI Image Generative tools are great, but how to use them in an application ? There’s many solutions to call an external (and paid) API service, but ther’s also an opensource alternative, ‘StableDiffusion‘, that you can install and use for free. Use RYAX and our StableDiffusion action – no […]

Tutorial – Coding a serverless backend application with Ryax : WikiRacing Use-Case [Episode 1]

[Tutorial] Coding a serverless backend application with Ryax : WikiRacing Use-Case (Episode 1) In this live video, let’s see how Charles is developing a backend application using Ryax to scrape, process, and store data for a WikiRacing use case.   Links: Ryax: Ryax default actions:… Github for the code:… Wikipedia python api: […]

Tutorial – Write javascript action in Ryax

Tutorial – Custom javascript & node.js actions in Ryax Ryax now supports actions written in Javascript ! Instead of Python or C# that are also available for new actions, you can create your custom actions in Javascript which can be interesting to use any existing javascript library  Here’s a tutorial on how to create a […]

Ryax 23.03.0 is out !

RYAX 23.03.0 is out ! We’re happy to share the latest version of Ryax, with new amazing features ! As always, we’re community-driven, and these features were asked by the community and the customers. New features as NodeJS Action support Project variables to share variables and files between all the workflow of your project With […]

Opensource OCR for your app – [AI series]

Opensource OCR API for your app – [AI series] OCR API – extract text from images OCR can be used to extract texts from images, photos, and videos as well. Useful information can be found in such formats. Let’s see how simple it is to create an OCR microservice with RYAX, and extract text from […]

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Notre offre de service

  • cloud-native

    Services Cloud Native

  • k8s-training copy

    Formation DevOps

    Méthodologie et bonne pratiques DevOps, Docker & CI/CD.

  • devops-deploy

    Mise en place d'environnements DevOps

    Définition, implémentation et monitoring d'environnements CI/CD & GitOps.

  • cloudnat-migrate

    Migration d'applications Cloud Native

    Modernisation d'applications vieillissantes (via micro services, serverless...)

  • devops-pipeline

    Pipelines de delivery automatiques

    Conception, implémentation et monitoring de pipelines de CI/CD.

  • k8scolor

    Services Kubernetes

  • k8s-training

    Formation K8S

    Formations Kubernetes (Ecosystème CNCF) niveau débutant à expert.

  • k8s-deploy

    Déploiement en production K8S

    Configuration, installation, migration et optimisation (performance, prix) sur systèmes ‌Cloud / Hybrid Clouds / On Premise.

  • k8s-iot

    Déploiement K8S sur IoT Edge

    Design & préconisations d'architectures (performance, optimisation de footprint mémoire)

  • k8s-observe

    Observabilitié Kubernetes

    Implémentation de systèmes de monitoring et d'alerting sur Kubernetes.

  • ia-mlcolor

    Services IA / ML

  • consulting-data

    Conseil & développement en architecture data

    Définition des besoins et amélioration de la disponibilité, fiabilité, performance, coûts...

  • dataops-solutions

    Solutions DataOps

    Implémentation d'architectures data sur environnement Kubernetes.

  • aiml-indus

    Industrialisation d'applications IA/ML

    Conseil et mise en place d'environnement ML/IA.

  • aiml-scaledev

    Développement d'applications IA/ML scalables

    Développement d'applications ML/IA à haute scalabilité.


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