Top 5 backend frameworks
What Is a Backend Framework?
A backend framework is a software framework used to build and deploy server-side web applications. It provides a set of tools, libraries, and a standard way to create and manage the server-side aspect of a web application, including a web server, database, API, and common functionalities such as security, session management, and database interaction.
The main characteristics of a backend framework are scalability, performance, security, and extensibility.
Top 5 backend frameworks
Here are the top 5 open source framework languages according to Github stars are:
- Laravel - A PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax - 72.2K
- Django - A high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development and clean, pragmatic design - 68.6K
- Spring Boot - A Java framework for building applications, including a web framework - 65.4K
- Express.js - A fast, minimalist web framework for Node.js - 59.8K
- C# - framework for building modern, cloud-based, internet-connected applications - 30.9K

And using RYAX ?
RYAX brings serverless and lowcode to your backend, and supports #Python so #Django, and C# so C# core as well
And we're supporting Javascript, for both backend and frontend
so including Node.js, Express.js and React.js as well
adding #lowcode UI, #workflows #monitoring and #serverless deployment #onanycloud
For #PHP support, contact us !