**This is an exciting week for us as we'll be launching our opensource platform this Thursday! We'll post again soon regarding the launch **
To celebrate these happy upcomings, I'd like to talk about a feature that I find most important when building production backends: workflow API endpoints.
Backends are the hearts of software applications and as such they're always interlinked with other applicative components. Being able to quickly and simply generate APIs in backend developments is the modern way of connecting pieces together for smooth execution, maintenance of application processes.

We've integrated these principles in Ryax:
You can create APIs in seconds, using the low-code UI.
For now we support HTTP POST requests, Ryax filters out invalid data and is able to output any data at any point of a workflow.
As a workaround to HTTP's limitations, responses are asynchronous.
Of course, you can choose endpoints' URLs you want to send the data to.
You'll soon be able to try it for yourself
And don't forget to reach out to us on Discord for any help or feedback