
Triggers will jump start your backend workflows

Triggers will jump start your backend workflows Another sneak peek at our platform: triggers Triggers are the heart of automations, they allow for controllable, precise, reliable actuations of a processing chain. They will actively listen for external events or user inputs such as API calls, movements on a server, messages, database updates (etc) and start […]

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Recommandation : booster votre chiffre d’affaires rapidement

La recommandation client, un levier de croissance pour votre entreprise À l’ère du numérique, il est indispensable pour votre entreprise d’intégrer la recommandation clients à votre stratégie marketing. En effet, si vous ne parlez pas de vous, internet le fera pour vous ! Ici, lorsque nous parlons d’internet, nous parlons bien évidemment des internautes et plus

Recommandation : booster votre chiffre d’affaires rapidement Read More »

Analyse des ventes : Comment gérer les données de son CRM ?

Analyse des ventes : Comment gérer les données ? Si l’objectif de l’entreprise est d’améliorer sa performance commerciale, alors, l’analyse des ventes à travers des KPIs est cruciale. Ce processus, visant à traiter les données relatives aux ventes de l’entreprise, permet de :   piloter et optimiser la stratégie connaitre la performance des produits et

Analyse des ventes : Comment gérer les données de son CRM ? Read More »

JOB OFFER | Senior data engineer (4+ years of experience)

Ryax Technologies is a startup developing Ryax, a product helping data scientists setting up data pipelines on complex infrastructures. We are searching for a senior backend software engineer to grow our existing team of engineers and help them build new services along with managing and delivering production-level projects. We are looking for engineers that take

JOB OFFER | Senior data engineer (4+ years of experience) Read More »

JOB OFFER | Full-stack (Python/Angular) development and mentoring (4+ years experience)

We are looking for an experienced developer/mentor to support our team. At Ryax Technologies, we develop the Ryax platform in Python and Angular. As a senior member of the Ryax development team, you will be working with the Product Manager to architect, design and implement the features of Ryax. You will also mentor and coach

JOB OFFER | Full-stack (Python/Angular) development and mentoring (4+ years experience) Read More »

Research paper: Container orchestration on HPC systems through Kubernetes

Access this paper Abstract Containerisation demonstrates its efficiency in application deployment in Cloud Computing. Containers can encapsulate complex programs with their dependencies in isolated environments making applications more portable, hence are being adopted in High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters. Singularity, initially designed for HPC systems, has become their de facto standard container runtime. Nevertheless, conventional

Research paper: Container orchestration on HPC systems through Kubernetes Read More »

Ryax Technologies raises 1.34M€ for its smart data platform

Ryax Technologies raises 1.34 million euros in seed funding for its smart data platform Less than 2 years after its creation, Ryax Technologies secures its first funding round with IT Translation Investment, Crédit Agricole Alpes Développement (C2AD) and Business Angels. This investment is completed by funds from BPI France, Banque Populaire Rhône-Alpes, BNP Paribas and Total Développement

Ryax Technologies raises 1.34M€ for its smart data platform Read More »